Elevation Dock CrowdFunding Success

Elevation Dock for iPhones

Crowdfunding Success Story - First Million Dollar Project
First project to reach a million dollars from crowd funding.
 The Elevation Dock is a high quality custom made dock for you iPhone that finally broke the million dollar mark for a crowdfunding project. Casey Hopkin's started his funding campaign in Portland, OR. and is the inventor of this docking system made from a solid piece of aluminum. Casey started his Crowd funding campaign in December of 2012 with an initial $75,000.00 to kickstart his project on Kickstarter.com.

You would think with all the available docking systems on the market that this may not have as much interest as some of the other Crowdfunding campaigns with little or no competition. But as the saying goes, build a better mouse trap and folks will be knocking your door down to order one. That's exactly what happened to the Elevation Dock when it first appeared on Kickstarter and as a result helped propel them into the spotlight as well as Online Crowd Funding in general.

The First Successful Million Dollar CrowdFunding Project 

The Elevation Dock's funding campaign was set for a full 60 days to give Hopkins the maximum time allowed to get the word out to his Social Networking Friends and soon to be customer's. By the time the campaign ended Casey went way over his initial goal that finished with a whopping $1.465,000.00 in total pledges. This was the very first funding project to surpass the million dollar mark and was the first to enter the Elite Million Dollar Successful Crowdfunding Club. A grand total of 12,521 people loved the Elevation Dock's design enough to make this record possible. In fact there was a few dozen people that invested at least $5,000.00 each to get the distribution packs with multiple Docking Stations available for retail which added to the total units sold.

Elevation Dock Update:

It's been a year and a half since the Elevation Dock was the first successful crowdfunding project to break the million dollar barrier which has kept Casey extremely busy trying to keep up with the demand. He still is actively posting on the original Kickstarter campaign page and taking care of any problems in quick fashion. To date there is only 2,400 comments which is surprisingly low compared to how many backer's backed this product. This would lead to the conclusion that most people have been satisfied with the Elevation Dock and what they were promised when they invested in his crowd funding campaign.

You can now order your Elevation Dock for both the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 5 and soon for the Android Smart Phone devices. Hopkin's has also invented what he calls the lightning adapter which comes standard for the iPhone 5 Docks and upgradable for all the iPhone 4 Docks which was not in the original design. If you want to personalize your docking station, Casey also now offers personalized engraving of a favorite quote or perhaps your business logo.

It's a Great Success Story that will be fun to follow and see what Casey will come up with next.

Visit the Elevation Lab Website
Elevation Docks FaceBook Page
Follow Casey Hopkins Progress on Twitter

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